
Print ISSN 1016-2283


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A Poetic Paradigm : the " Middle " of Samson Agonistes
Laurence Sterne's Tristram Shandy : Its Aspect of Conversation as an Inducing Motive for Intuitive Communication between Reader and Text - Viewed from the Phenomenological Theory -
Coleridge , Wordsworth and Johnson
The Concept of Fear : Psychoanalysis and The Red Badge of Courage
' I ' and ' We ' : The Communities of Virginia Woolf
Anna Livia and lssy as both Redeemer and Tempter in James Joyce's Finnegans Wake
A Conflict Between the Old Society and the New One in Willa Cather's A Lost Lady
Forster's De - Liberation of Liberation
Mechanism in the theatre of Samuel Beckett
Deconstruction : Jacques Derrida's " Trace "
Postmodernism as a Politics